The Register has a great, sarcastic article on the recent ‘terrorist’ attacks in the UK. The amount of media space given to this was ridiculous. Even here in Vancouver, CNN covered the Glasgow side of things almost non-stop for over an hour before the room was clear and I could go out and turn it off.
It might be a test of ministerial mettle if thousands of British Muslims were burning cars every night, as has happened in France. But what we seem to have here is some foreigners burning just one car and failing to burn two more owing to almost unbelievable incompetence.The mindset of a man who’s willing to set himself on fire to make a point – as one of the Glasgow terror-clowns seems to have done – but not to spend any effort at all on researching methods is a difficult one to understand. Even if these jokers were illiterate or had no internet access (seems unlikely, one of the suspects is apparently a doctor) they could have at least done a test. In my part of town, fun-loving teenagers burn out a car or two down by the canal every week or so: nobody would notice another one with some nails in it.