Go Fuck Yourself

While he was being interviewed on TV, live on the ground in New Orleans, someone walks past as tells him to go fuck himself. Freedom of speech in action. Priceless ;-)

Canberra Round-Up

I’m down in Canberra this week and work is pretty busy, so I haven’t been posting much. Nonetheless, the exercise regime has continued as follows:

Monday: 3km run.

Tuesday AM: 1.6km run, Weights + 1km swim.

Tuesday PM: 3.4km run

Thursday AM: 2km swim

My achilles are a bit sore after the running, but I took yesterday off so I’ll be ready to get another run in when I get back to the hotel this evening.

S: 3000m – R: 8km – W: 1 session

Inside New Orleans

<a href-“http://www.emsnetwork.org/artman/publish/article_18337.shtml”>An article written by two Californian paramedics who were trapped in New Orleans describing how inept the relief operation was.

Dawkins on ID

Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne demolish intelligent design (ID) in a Guardian article.

Another article, from this weekend’s Sydney Morning Herald gets stuck into ID as well, ending with:

Nelson has said intelligent design should be available in schools because “it’s about choice”. That is postmodern rubbish. Schools are not about choice, they’re about discrimination, about using limited time and resources to teach children what our society regards as most important.


Yesterday’s pool sessions was a bit better than Monday’s. It felt a little easier, though my IM times are about 10secs slower than a few months ago, so there’s a long way to go yet. I’ve decided (after 20 odd years of swimming) to start breathing to my left as much as possible, in order to balance out my stroke a bit and I can feel myself developing the loping style indicative of a strong bias to one side.

2 * {

150 FS

2 * 100 Rev. IM

2 * 50 BC }

12 * 50 FS as {

4 on 55

4 on 50

4 on 45 }

6 * 100 IM on 2:00 (1:37)

2 * 200 FS

Total: 2500m

S: 4500m – B: 15km – R: 1.6km – W: 1 session


An interesting account of the devastation in New Orleans written by a local professor of Middle-East history.

Via Juan Cole

Update: Another interesting article on New Orleans.

For Fuck's Sake!

Our Education Minister, Brendan Nelson, was quoted in a newspaper article saying that he would have no problem if Intelligent Design was taught in schools alongside evolution. I thought the US was the only place where fundamentalist Christians held sway, but it looks like Australia is heading in that direction too!

Update: FSM Theory should be included too!

Strength Maintenance

Cycled home from work last night and really noticed the fact that I hadn’t been on the bike in a couple of weeks. Decided not to do any laps of the park until I get a couple of weeks under my belt. No point killing myself in the first week and then fading in the second week. As it was I was tired by 10pm anyway.

Jumped out of bed early this morning and hopped on the bus into the gym. After a quick 1.6km warm-up run I hit the weights. Having completed my weights program before heading off to NZ, I’m now doing what’s called a Strength Maintenance program. It’s basically the same exercises as the regular session, with heavy weights, but instead of doing 4 sets of 6 reps, I’m only doing one. Once I can manage 10 reps I’ll up the weight and drop back to 6. I’ll only be doing one session per week, as the general idea is not really to gain strength, but rather not to lose any gains already made. It’s almost like a regular taper, where you can cut out 80% of the work as long as you maintain the intensity.

S: 2000m – B: 15km – R: 1.6km – W: 1 session

Back Swimming

There has been a ban on exercise in place since we came back from NZ in order to allow the Irish entrants in Fat Club: This Time It’s Personal (TTIP) to fly home and get organised. The ban expired this morning, so it was time to hop on the bike in to work. Since I had a few ferry trips remaining on my pass, I decided to use them up and cruise the harbour, leaving the cycling until the way home.

It was a beautiful winter’s morning, with a low sun on a glassy harbour, and I couldn’t help thinking what a wonderful way it is to start the morning, so I’m going to do it all the time (well on the three days per week I’m going to cycle) and save the cycling for the evening. I’ll need to add in some laps around Centennial Park on the way home to make up for it, but I reckon it’s worth it. I’ll have to bring the camera along one morning and take a few snaps, to drive home my point and convince any skeptics!

Anyway, it was also time to get back in the pool at lunch-time and that was interesting. Stroke felt good, though I was tired pretty quickly. It will take me two weeks to get back into it, so I pulled the plug after 2km today.

200 FS warm up

4 * {50K/100FS}

400 Pull

300 Choice

8 * 50 FS as {

2 on 60

2 on 55

2 on 50

2 on 45}

100 swim down

Total: 2000m

S: 2000m

Fat Club: This Time It's Personal

After the usual weight gain while in NZ we’ve decided to attempt another Fat Club. It worked briefly last year, losing 5kg by Christmas, but one thing led to another and I’m now back to where I was at this time last year. The one positive is that at least I’m fitter and stronger.

Looking back on what worked, and what didn’t, over the last year reveals that volume of work done is the greatest predictor of weight loss, so it’s back to square one and I’ll be gradually building up the amount of work done every week. This is effectively my third attempt at consistent weight loss, so if this one fails I’ll just have to accept that I’m still lazy and inconsistent, and just let the inevitable slide towards middle aged fatness continue.

Weighed in at 89.9kg this morning…

TSS Earnslaw

While putting up my photos from New Zealand, I forgot to add those from myself and Aisling’s cruise on the TSS Earnslaw, the last steamship on Lake Wakatipu.

Random, My Arse!

Here’s a screenshot of what iTunes picked out for me when I created a playlist and told it to select at random from the Rap genre:

It seems to just move sequentially between albums, picking a random number of songs from each, rather than truly picking at random from all songs in all albums. I was expecting to end up with a complete jumble of tunes in totally random order. Pretty crap really.


Weighed in at 89.6kg yesterday morning, so I stacked on 1.2kg in NZ. Not as bad as the 2kg I was expecting but still bad enough to be keen to start exercising again. I’m out for dinner again tonight before Sean, Aisling and Dave head back to Ireland tomorrow, so since tomorrow will mark the official end of the holiday I might celebrate with a swim.

NZ Snowboarding

Well we all arrived back safely from NZ on Monday night, straight into Sydney rush-hour traffic, whereupon I realised I hadn’t seen a single traffic light in the previous 16 days.

The trip had started on a weird note as I first got pulled aside for a bomb check when leaving Sydney. A couple of swabs were taken from my pockets & hands and analysed by a chemical sniffer device. I was given the all clear, only to have the bloody drugs dog stop beside me when we landed in Dunedin. I was taken away to have all my bags searched, and when that produced nada I had to undergo the full strip search. Thankfully that didn’t involved the rubber glove treatment, though I was prepared to tell them to get f*cked and submit to an x-ray instead. I did ask whether they had got the dog from Australia after reading the news item a few months ago about the dogs being trained with talcum powder but they assured me it was a Kiwi. It must have been bloody senile as it also picked out two other people who turned out to be clean as well. I reckon the handler can signal the dog to pretend you have drugs so that he can search you at will. If a cop walked up to you in the airport and asked to search your bags for no reason you’d tell him to take a hike, but the drug dog provides ‘probable cause’.

Anyway, after all that excitement it was off to Wanaka (photos) to settle in, grab a Brewski, some food and get ready to hit the slopes the next day. We spent a couple of days in Cardrona (photos) at first to let the beginners settle in and bemoan the lack of snow. Marc got his first lessons on a snowboard and was off the beginner slopes on the second day. Rapid progress was being made.

Things still weren’t looking good on the snow front, but after three days it dumped 20cms overnight and our fortunes were transformed. We went straight to Treble Cone (photos) and myself and Bevin ended up on the Saddle with perfect timing, as the main six man lift had an electrical fault trapping the rest of the crew in the cafe. Even though the snow cover was still a bit sparse we got a few runs in on the Bullet, including a couple of mini 180s & jumps off the side, which was a victory for me as the last time I was on the Bullet I spent 40m sliding on my arse! More snow fell and we were back with a vengeance two days later for an official powder day. This time we rode all the runs in the main basin and made the most of the photo opportunities.

The NZ Snowboard Championships had been on in Cardrona while we were there, but the visibility had been pretty crap so instead myself, Johnny and Bevin drove up to Snow Park for the Quarter Pipe (photos) on Saturday night. It snowed heavily and was bloody cold, but the action was spectacular.

We also entered the local pub curling competition (photos) and Tom, Ashling, Dave and Sean managed to win the thing, beating out the locals. After all that excitement it was time for us to bid Wanaka farewell and head over to Queenstown (photos). First stop was Fergburger, and only then did we check into the apartment.

Bevin and Johnny came over from Wanaka on Tuesday night and we went riding in Coronet Peak the following day. There was practially no snow, and it lived up to its nickname of Concrete Peak so we left after lunch, I said goodbye to Bevin and gave Johnny the mini version of the big brother talk ;-)

We spent the rest of the week at The Remarkables (photos) which also had relatively poor snow, but I passed the time learning to land jumps and ride switch so it wasn’t a total waste. Next year will be the year of rails, tricks and jumps I reckon.

So now I’m back at work wishing I was boarding. Bummer!


Got back from two weeks snowboarding in NZ last night. Lots of photos to organise, so will have an update ready to go soon. Managed to stack on the usual 2kg (!!) so will have to ramp up the exercise program again.

Nelsons Bay Photos

While I went snowboarding, Jacqui and the rest of the crew rented a place in Nelsons Bay, about three hours north of Sydney. Kirsten and Anna supplied photos to document their weekend of sight-seeing and the inevitable party. Check them out here.

First Fingerprints, Now RFIDs

First the US insisted on fingerprinting visitors, now they want to issue RFID cards to visitors so they can be scanned more easily. Of course the logicel next step is to track them around the US by scanning at transport hubs, or walking the streets etc.

It shouldn’t be too long before Australia tries this shit too. Since London we’ve already had plans to introduce a national ID card, plans to introduce random searching of people’s bags in public, and plans to make the ‘special powers’ awarded to the police post-911 permanent. If it all slots into place, and with the Liberals (hah!) having a majority in both houses of parliament it’s almost a certainty, we’ll be well on our way to a police state.

So the official line is that we shouldn’t change our daily behaviour because that would be ‘giving in to the terrorists’ but it’s OK to gradually have all sorts of common freedoms and rights sacrificed in the name of security? Sounds like ‘giving in to the terrorists’ to me.


The most powerful man in the world, George W. Bush, thinks that schools should teach ‘intelligent design’ alongside evolution (Source: MSNBC). Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like the idiots are taking over the asylum, with a desire to wind back anything which marks us out as an advanced civilisation – education, tolerance of other lifestyles, some semblance of peace etc.? Maybe it’s time to look for a cave and fashion myself a club….

Unintended Consequences

Juan Cole has a nice synopsis on how we got to be where we are today: Background to the War On Terror

Snow Photos

Myself, Tom and Dave spent the last two weekends down at Perisher Blue, getting the legs dialled in before heading to NZ. The weather wasn’t really conducive to photo taking, but I managed to get a few organised anyway.

Here they are…