There has been a ban on exercise in place since we came back from NZ in order to allow the Irish entrants in Fat Club: This Time It’s Personal (TTIP) to fly home and get organised. The ban expired this morning, so it was time to hop on the bike in to work. Since I had a few ferry trips remaining on my pass, I decided to use them up and cruise the harbour, leaving the cycling until the way home.
It was a beautiful winter’s morning, with a low sun on a glassy harbour, and I couldn’t help thinking what a wonderful way it is to start the morning, so I’m going to do it all the time (well on the three days per week I’m going to cycle) and save the cycling for the evening. I’ll need to add in some laps around Centennial Park on the way home to make up for it, but I reckon it’s worth it. I’ll have to bring the camera along one morning and take a few snaps, to drive home my point and convince any skeptics!
Anyway, it was also time to get back in the pool at lunch-time and that was interesting. Stroke felt good, though I was tired pretty quickly. It will take me two weeks to get back into it, so I pulled the plug after 2km today.
200 FS warm up4 * {50K/100FS}
400 Pull
300 Choice
8 * 50 FS as {
2 on 60
2 on 55
2 on 50
2 on 45}
100 swim down
Total: 2000m
S: 2000m