Very good article on how, in the space of 100 years, the aerial bombarment of densely populated cities has become such a part of our daily life that it attracts almost zero press coverage. From Tom’s Dispatch:
I have yet to see any cumulative figures on air strikes in Iraq per day, week, or month, maps of the reach of the air war, or more than a few photos of its results; nor, in fact, have I found a single article of any significance on the air war in Iraq itself, discussing military strategy or even the problems Air Force strategists or pilots feel they face, no less what it’s like for civilians (or rebels) in most of Iraq’s major cities to experience such periodic attacks, or what kinds of casualties result (or who the casualties actually are), or what, if any, may be the limitations on the use of air power, or what its effects on the insurgency seem to be, or, in fact, anything on any aspect of the regular bombing, missiling, or strafing of city neighborhoods."Worth a read.