Myself, Niall and Kev headed off for a bike ride this morning, with the emphasis on doing a few hills. We drove out to Pymble and jumped on the train to our start at Berowra Waters. The train arrived in Hornsby and we sat there for a while waiting for it to continue on to Berowra, except when it did get moving, after about 15mins, it started heading back to the city. We were supposed to change trains! Oh well, jumped off at the next station, waited another 25mins for the train to Berowra to show up and finally got on the bikes, ready to start the ride, at 10:15, having left the house at 7:15!
With the show on the road, we spent the first few minutes flying downhill to the ferry at Berowra Waters, which we just missed. When we finally got to the other side, it was straight into the first of the climbs. I’d been a bit worried about the climbs, as it’s not easy lugging 88kg uphill, there were three decent climbs scheduled for the day and I’d had a couple of beers the night before at Craig’s birthday ;-) However, the first one put my mind at ease as it wasn’t too bad, and according to Kev and Niall it was the hardest.
After that it was another hour cycling through rolling countryside and down the switchbacks at Galston Gorge. We had a quick stop to adjust Kev’s gears before heading upward again to Hornsby Heights and continuing on to the Pacific Highway. We had debated yesterday whether we’d stop there, or continue on to Bobbin Head, but we were all feeling pretty good today so on we went for our third, and final downhill to Bobbin Head, followed by our third, and final climb of the day leading us back to Pymble and the comfort of the parked cars.
The stats for the day were:
Distance: 50km
Avg. HR: 101
Max. HR: 170
Avg. Speed: 22.4km/h
Max. Speed: 59.1km/h
Calories: 1577!
Yep, that’s 1577 calories (kcal) so I’ve been stuffing my face wtih pasta ever since I got home! ;-)
S: 2600m – B: 137.4km – R: 10.3km – Row: 5000m