
I’ve been reading up a bit more on heart rate training and the general consensus for the aerobic training zone appears to be 60-75% of maximum heart rate. If you stay in that range, you’re working fully aerobically and won’t build up any lactic acid, so it’s ideal for long, slow distance work, which is what I’m doing (execpt I haven’t got to the long part yet).

The most accurate formula for determining heart rates without an actual test is the Karvonen Formula: x% HR = RestingHR + ((MaxHR – RestingHR) * x%), where RestingHR is your heart rate as soon as you wake up in the morning. In my case, my max is 190, my resting is 40, so my 60-75% zone is between 130 and 153.

I stuck those values into my HR monitor last night and went for my usual run around the local park. I’d previously thought that a HR of 145 marked the top of my aerobic zone, and when using that limit my laps averaged around 5:10. Last night I reeled off a 4:30, 4:36, 4:38 and 4:40. Not a bad return for only an extra 8 heart beats!

3.35km, 18:25.5

4:30.0, 141

4:36.5, 150

4:38.5, 151

4:40.5, 152

HR @ 1min: 116

After that it was off to Hurricane’s in Bondi for Joe’s birthday. I keep forgetting just how good their steaks are! Mmmmm! Delicious! Danny & Rachel were there too, and Danny had just proposed earlier that evening. Turns out that they’re getting married in Mount Maunganui the weekend after Graham’s wedding, so we might end up holidaying in NZ a little longer.

S: 2700m – R: 3.35km
