Race Riots

Southern Sydney is going to the dogs at the moment. After two lifeguards were bashed by a gang of young Lebanese in Cronulla two weeks ago community tension was high. Last weekend almost 5,000 showed up to protest, but it quickly got out of hand and turned into a race riot. Most of those taking part were under 25 and there was a smattering of neo-nazis there to stir things up further, so it’s not exactly representative of the local community. Alcohol, not surprisingly, had a massive role to play, and the protest devolved into running battles with the police & any poor unfortunate who happened to look remotely Middle Eastern.

I’m supposed to be staying in a hotel there this weekend in preparation for my first triathlon around the corner on the Sunday morning, but there’s rumours going around of revenge attacks this weekend so Jacqui doesn’t want to go anywhere near the place. We’ll have to wait and see how things pan out later in the week.
