I finished last week’s training with a 54.5km bike ride. I was pretty tired starting off, and not very enthusiastic at all, but with the race next weekend it was important to get it done.
I rode from my house up to Centennial Park and did about 10 laps up there in a one off, two on, one off format: one lap nice and easy, two at a reasonably tough pace, then anothe easy one, followed by a stop for a quick stretch, then repeat. The fast laps were reasonably good, with time scattered between 6:25 and 6:30, but I don’t think I’ll be able to ride at that speed for the full 40km in the race… well not if I want to run a decent 10K afterwards!This week is going to be relatively quiet training-wise; normal until Wednesday evening, then Thursday is Australia Day, a public holiday, so I’ll do nothing from then on, apart from maybe a short run on Friday.S: 5km – B: 114.1km – R: 14.1km