Over the last few months I’ve been sitting on my arse doing nothing and increasingly feeling that I should get back out on the bike again. I’ve made a few abortive attempts which usually involved going for a ride on a Monday morning, then again on Tuesday whereupon we’d get one of those Sydney weeks of torrential rain and I’d be back to square one.
With that in mind, I bit the bullet and bought myself an indoor trainer, the Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.

The Kurt Kinetic on the back balcony…

The Kurt Kinetic with bike attached…
Riding on a trainer is usually pretty boring, so I’m not going to be replacing my weekend long ride with a multi-hour session on it, but it will be very good for the short, hard interval work which you can’t really do on the road, or, if you do find somewhere to try them like Centennial Park, it’s invariably windy & gusty which makes it very tough to stick to a particular effort level.
At least now if I wake up and the weather’s atrocious I can set up the trainer on the back balcony and do a shorter, more intense workout. Better than nothing!