
Has anyone noticed how crazy Americans have become? I’m not talking about Idiot Bush, but rather the attitudes of the America populace as a whole.

I’ve always found it very revealing that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about having sex with an intern. So far, Dumb Ass has lied about WMDs in order to start a war which has resulted in the deaths of 500+ of his own countrymen, and there’s no sign of impeachment hearings at all. That’s just crazy if you ask me.

And now we have the furore over Janet Jackson’s breast making an appearance in the SuperBowl. Quite a few ads have women bouncing around in next to nothing (5 Cougars thanks!), yet a couple of seconds of real breast causes consternation.

Finally, just when you’d think everything had calmed down again, we get this: NBC asks ER to remove a scene where an 80 year old woman’s breast appears for two seconds.

It’s laughable.